Sunday, October 23, 2011

Free of MAP!

Finally, confirmed by blood tests I am 100% free of Mycobacterium Ssp Paratuberculosis!
This is great news, this means Colloidal silver is extremely effective against the MAP bug.

Also, whilst in Mexico at the IBC, I found out the absolute cause and cure of Crohn's.
What a journey, I've visited an infectious disease expert at McGill University (Dr. Marcel Behr), spoken with Prof. Hermon Taylor of the UK, and done a ton of research, at least 5 years worth.

Crohn's disease, is a result of a defective/compromised immune system. You become infected with the opportunistic infection known as MAP. The MAP infection is usually cleared by people with a healthy immune system. In people with a defective/compromised immune system it becomes a chronic infection, the immune system is unable to clear the infection.

The proof of this is abundant, just look its very close relative Mycobacterium Avium Intracellulare (MAC). MAC is considered an opportunistic infection, usually infecting those with compromised immune systems, AIDS patients. Same with Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (TB). If your immune system is healthy, it will wall off these Mycobacterium by forming a granuloma around it. Now, in Crohn's disease they find granuloma's, that is an accepted medical fact. 95% of people with Crohn's when correctly tested, will test positive for the infection, compare that a near 0% infection rate in healthy people.

A cure to the problem would be to fix the defective/compromised immune system, so it can fight off the infection. That is how IBC treats autoimmune disorders. They restore your immune system, and it goes in an clears our the infection. These opportunistic infections are no match for a healthy nourished immune system.

I would highly recommend the IBC Hospital in Tijuana to anyone in dire straights, I mean emergency I'm considering surgery next month types. They are truly masters of fixing broken immune systems. They will use the Alivizatos formula to boost your immune system, coupled with stem cells to help regenerate damaged organs (think Thymus, etc.). Healing the damaged organs, if that is the problem, fixes the root of the problem.

I'm going to post an article next week on which vitamins, minerals and amino acids are best to boost your immune system. Also, if you live in Canada, you can find clinics that will give custom vitamin/mineral/amino acid IV's or injections. For people with serious intestinal damage, I cannot stress how beneficial taking in mega doses of nutrition via IV is.

Colloidal silver is such a blessing. It can bring almost immediate relief to the most aggressive cases of Crohn's. Buying precious time to start boosting the immune system.

Also, I realize Alivizatos is mentioned in Quackwatch as quackery, it is not. I can attest to that.
Quackwatch is run by a New York ad agency and is part of the smear campaign being launched by the pharmaceutical companies. I often wonder why these so called Quackbusters have instant credibility? I mean what makes Quackwatch such a trusted source? I think they are the quacks.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I have MAC and I thought I cured it with colloidal silver. Two different appointments to my pulmonary doctor
      showed it clear over a 6 month period and now it is back. I can't find my info as to what I did to remove MAC
      but I think it was breathe into a nebulizer with 1 teaspoon of CS three times a day for 2 months.
      If you did it differently, please give me your formula. Have your doctor check you now and them to see if
      it came back.
      Thanks so much

  2. Hi! I looked through curezone and purchased two piece parts of Beck's like you've used six weeks ago. It worked very well in the beginning and now I'm flaring again. It seems like other people who followed your blog were inspired to gotten resistant to the colloidal silver that I try your method and are doing well but I'm not anymore... Is it possible that the MAP has make with Silver Pulser? I used a calibrator and its ppm is at 6-8ppm after making it. I eat only fresh vegetables, fruits and chicken. DMSO isn't even giving me a relief anymore. I'm having pain in ileum and alot of mucousy D(apologize for TMI) I was on Azathioprine in the past but I quit it cold turkey... I'm just scared...

  3. Sorry about double posting.
    Hi! I looked through curezone and purchased two piece parts of Beck's like you've used six weeks ago. It worked very well in the beginning and now I'm flaring again. It seems like other people who followed your blog were inspired and succeeded. I was doing well before but I'm not anymore... Is it possible that the MAP has gotten resistant to the Colloidal silver that I make with Silver Pulser? I used a calibrator and its ppm is at 6-8ppm each time after making it. I eat only fresh vegetables, fruits and chicken. DMSO isn't even giving me a relief anymore. I'm having pain in ileum and alot of mucousy D(apologize for TMI) I was on Azathioprine in the past but I quit it cold turkey... I'm just scared...

  4. Are you using the magnetic pulser?
    That is the most important part, it reduces inflammation and sterilizes the lymph nodes.

    I don't think MAP can become resistant to colloidal silver, I've read many studies on it, I haven't came across any conclusive evidence it is possible.

    You might want to talk to your doctor to get something to help calm down the inflammation. When MAP dies it does inflame the area around it. It seems people on immune suppression have a bit more difficulty initially than those taking just anti inflammatory drugs.

    I would not advise just dropping drugs, talk to your doctor, get on something anti inflammatory rather than immune suppression.

    You can get pretty sick just stopping some of these drugs cold turkey. Prednisone if stopped cold turkey, can mess you up. It is a hormone, you have to taper off it, give your body a chance to balance out your hormone levels.

  5. I'm not on high dosage of prednisone, just on 10mg a day right now. I use the magnetic pulser on my right lower abdomen, ileum and around the spots where it's inflamed. How many times pulse one spot? I once pulsed one spot for ten minutes and it became too hot and for some reason, magnetic pulsing makes me sleepy and relaxed.

    Do you still use Silver Pulser to make CS for yourself?

    I can't tolerate mesalamines like Asacol or Pentasa. I'm also taking LDN, low dose naltrexone to boost my immune system. Asacol makes me bleed more... :(

    Colloidal Silver, DMSO and magnetic pulsing put me into a remission 6 weeks ago and now I'm flaring while using the same thing. Should I try blood electrification?

  6. Try to avoid tomatoes, eat bland food for a few days until things settle down.

    Around the 2 month mark the intestines start healing, and anything highly acidic or irritating can inflame the healing spots.

    Not necessarily a bad thing, just remember it takes time to heal.

  7. This is quite unusual, I suspect the immune suppression drugs leave you more vulnerable to infections.

    Keep us posted.

  8. You can't take LDN and Prednisone at the same time. It's counter productive. I don't know why your doctor did this. I'm guessing you have two different docs...As long as your on any immunosupressant, you will be vulnerable to flair up. It took me a long time to get the Remicade out of my system while using DMSO. It works better than Remicade because it reduces iron in the intestines, which reduce harmful microbes.

    You also must consistently use ALL 3 parts of the protocol. Not colloidal silver today...pulsing tomorrow...ect. Also stop eating crap. Stop the Ensure junk, the white processed crap, the list goes on...

    A guy at work was telling me that he has diabetes and 3 stents while he was drinking a soda and eating a pizza. Life is not about food. Fuel your body with pure things and live your life.

  9. I haven't touched anything that contains sugar or processed for months. And Dr. Zagon, who ran the Crohn's trial with Dr. Jill Smith, said LDN is more of an immuno modulator and can be taken with all biologics or immuno supressants including prednisone.

    I have candida infection which won't go away in the digestive tract. Do you think because I'm not drinking Ozonated water, I might be missing the key to this?

    I'm doing everything right including eating right... except including drinking Ozonated water.

  10. I also take high quality probiotics and S. Bouldarii.
    Drink CS everyday at least 2 cups. And a few anti fungals.
    High quality vitamins and glutamine.

  11. Sorry Jane I had no clue they could be taken together. My alternative doctor told me this because when I first came to him I was on Remicade. As soon as I got off he prescribed me the LDN.

    The entire goal is to get your immune system built up while supporting it with these methods. The ozonated water will speed the healing tissue process and rid of toxic build up. I would def consider it in the long run.

    Keep up the diet. Stay as close to nature as possible. Do not eat anything packaged or questionable. I would very strongly recommend a good juicer. This will give you so much healing benefit and help your body produce the enzymes for digestion.

    I know the entire Beck protocol can be expensive but it is well worth the investment. Make sure to use DMSO to ruduce the inflammation in the body. This was a Godsend for me. Ever since using it 8 months ago, I have gained back most of my weight and had no flair ups.

  12. hi ec

    please share immune boosting minerals, vitamins info.

    its a long way to tijuana


  13. There is also a good blog on the Beck protocol at

  14. Ooops! forgot the T.

  15. It may surprise you to know that amongst our early settlers it was known that by throwing a silver dollar into their drinking wells and water receptacles, they were able to keep the water drinkable by killing off any bacteria that was likely present. In effect they were creating their own medicinal colloidal silver preparation.

  16. How much can one expect to spend at the IBC to treat their disease? I didn't see any price listings on their website.

  17. In conjunction with the magnetic pulser, how much colloidal would you take per day and for how long? I'm awaiting a magnetic pulser but due to funds cannot afford to make my own silver yet...

  18. In the case of MAP, as vicious as it is, I would go all out and drink a full glass on an empty stomach.
    Just educate yourself on how to make it correctly for safe use.

  19. Thanks for the speedy response. So you would take a full glass for however long you feel you need it, right? Also, would you consider combining with any other herbs/supplements? I've read that Myco+ from Raintree Nutrition is good for mycoplasma/bacteria or maybe something like Oil of Oregano would be just as good, possibly?

  20. Mattie, if you look on some of his previous postings, he recommends Oil of Oregano and Peppermint oil. You can actually get both of these together with enteric coatings which makes them way more tolerable in my opinion. They sell it on Amazon for pretty cheap.

  21. Janec. How are you doing today after using the protocol for an extended period of time. I'm looking for a treatment of crohns myself.
